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“If you choose this path, the benefits and responsibilities, if it’s really your calling and you’re fierce enough to step up, embrace your fate, then you’re truly among the most fortunate of all, because in the mine, you will find infinite mortality. Don’t confuse this for immortality.”

from: Regular blog contributor to "Work: Surviving The Arts" (The PANK blog)


“His new album has a whole new feel. He sings in Urdu. He sings in pidgin Kurdish. He sings in his own patois. He overcame his speech impediment, addressed his “episodes” and hired a keyboard player. The keyboard player wears dark glasses, a fedora, and drinks Tab onstage with the label facing out prominently. It is a comment.”

from: "Poets Off Poetry" For His New Album (Coldfront)


“Lots of artists suck at being human beings. Pop music in particular seems to attract a pretty grating bunch of users, cheeseballs, egoists, insecure meanies, fiends, prima donnas, sponges, attention hounds, womanizers, maneaters, scoundrels, boozers, slackers, sloganeers and thugs. Add fame and millions and suddenly the seedy front-man of that local band you used to catch at the Rainbow Room now has a posse of enablers, boosters, and alibi-givers to help him amplify the worst elements of his already questionable personality.”

from: "Hate the Hater?" - On John Phillips and great art by awful people (Vol.1 Brooklyn)

"Everything Will Be All Right" is a novel in verse about a group of high school friends in late-80s L.A. coming to terms with the end of their shared moment together.


"We walked and walked our midnight city streets until
our footsteps traced the name of god,
until the clatter of our sneakered feet
mingled with our gasps, our fits of anxious laughter,
to sound its thunderous cryptonym, awaken
holy spirit, draw it to our tingling
fingers up through champagne arms, into chests
like tilt-a-whirls, then again out
mouths feeding back
in upward spirals;"


83 Pages
2020 Barely Auditable
Cover by Dan Nelson
Limited inventory

Features & Fiction


© 2020 Scott Rosenberg

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